Toward the bottom of each program form, you'll find "Phase Settings"
(These phases are optional, so if you're happy with just a treatment phase and additional data taken after mastery, then you're good to go.)
May select for your program to have one, two, or all three phases.
When taking data on your program, you'll see that phases move in this sequence:
1. Baseline*
2. Treatment
3. Maintenance*
4. Generalization*
5. Additional
The Treatment & Additional Phases are required.
If Baseline is selected, then data collection will start with baseline for (# you input) Total Sessions. Baseline is taken prior to implementing an intervention to determine the client's current levels. If a program/list is mastered in baseline, the treatment phase will be bypassed.
If Maintenance is selected, then once a goal is mastered, you can take Maintenance data take data Daily, Weekly, or Monthly for (# you input) Total Sessions.
- Maintenance: demonstrating a skill/inhibiting behavior after treatment
If Generalization is selected, then you can Generalization take data for (# you input) Total Sessions.
- Generalization=demonstrating a skill/inhibiting behavior after treatment, but in/with a variety of settings/people/materials