Interval Recording Programs enable you to select a period of time to observe a client, splitting the time period into increments (intervals) and determining what percentage of intervals the individual engages in the behavior of interest.
Program Category is how this program will be sorted in the Company Programs Directory.
If Behavior for Decrease is selected, then the goal is to decrease the percentage of intervals a client spends engaging in this behavior, to the level indicated in the Mastery Criteria section.
Otherwise, the goal is to increase the behavior to the level indicated in the Mastery Criteria section.
The Program Name is how this program will be identified in a client session, and will be used as the label on the program's graph.
The Method is the type of interval recording you'd like your observer to use. In session, the user will be able to refer to one of the following instructions (only instructions for selected method displayed):
`Partial Interval: Mark as "+" if behavior occurs at any point during the interval. Mark as "-" if behavior does not occur during the interval.`
`Whole Interval: Mark as "+" if behavior occurs for the entirety of the interval. Mark as "-" if behavior does not occur during the interval or occurs during only a portion of the interval.`
`Momentary Time Sampling: Mark as "+" if behavior occurs at the end of the interval. Mark as "-" if behavior does not occur at the end of the interval.
The Recording Instructions field allows you to provide your team with information on how, when, and where to observe and take data.
The Observation Length is the total amount of time this target should be tracked.
The Interval Length is how long each increment of time will be (within the observation length).
For example, if you'd like to track this behavior for 15 minutes (Observation Length), then you can break up that length into increments of 1 minute (Interval Length).
In session, you'll see 1 box appear each minute, for a total of 15 minutes. At the end, there will be a total of 15 boxes, each one signifying 1 minute of observation.
You can learn more about Interval Recording in the Client Session folder, under Interval Recording.
Please refer to the Phase Settings article to learn about phase options
Selecting "Archive Program When Complete" at any time PRIOR to completing all selected phases will archive it the program once all lists have been run to completion. Otherwise, you'll have to manually archive it by going to Client Programs and clicking the red Archive button where you see programs listed.