Task Analysis Programs allow you to break skills down into steps, and teach them in a way that best fits the individual learner. In the image below, you can see the skill of Hand Washing is broken down into simpler steps.
Program Category is how this program will be sorted in the Company Programs Directory.
The Program Name is how this program will be identified in a client session, and will be used as the label on the program's graph.
The Teaching Procedure is a specific plan on how to teach the behavior. This can (and should) be tailored to each learner.
For Data Type, you are indicating whether you want the observer to track whether each step was either:
- +/- (correct or incorrect)
- The most obtrusive Prompt Level used for each step. (The lower an item is on the Prompt Hierarchy shown below, the more obtrusive it is.)
Prompts are types of assistance provided in order for the client to achieve a desired response.
In terms of scoring, only Independent responses are scored as correct.
Prompt Hierarchy:
- Independent (+) Client Completes step without assistance
- Gestural (-) Therapist gestures to assist client to initiate or complete the step
- Verbal (-) Therapist says something that leads to the client to initiating or completing the step
- Model (-) Therapist demonstrates (acts out) how to complete step so that the client can complete the step
- Partial Physical (-) Therapist moves client's body for part of the step, but client is able to complete the step
- Full Physical (-) Therapist moves client's body to complete the whole step
Chaining is the method used for teaching and tracking Task Analysis programs in the Treatment Phase.
- Forward Chaining teaches and tracks the first step, and once it is mastered, tracks the first two steps, and then the first 3 steps, and so on, until the full sequence of steps is mastered.
- Backward Chaining teaches and tracks the last step, and once it is mastered, tracks the last two steps, and then the last 3 steps, and so on, until the full sequence of steps is mastered.
- Total Task teaches and tracks the full sequence of steps from the beginning.
(During the Baseline, Maintenance, Generalization, & Additional Phases, data is collected for all of the steps in the sequence, regardless of chaining type selected.)
Mastery Criteria requires you to indicate how many consecutive sessions the client must correctly perform steps in the chain in order to move on to the next step or phase.
Please refer to the Phase Settings article to learn about phase options.
Selecting "Archive Program When Complete" at any time PRIOR to completing all selected phases will archive it the program once all lists have been run to completion. Otherwise, you'll have to manually archive it by going to Client Programs and clicking the red Archive button where you see programs listed.