Trials programs allow you to test a targeted skill multiple times and determine the percentage of opportunities the client responded correctly.
The trials form allows for a few different and very handy format configurations:
- 1 Target | One skill is tracked
- 1 Set | A list of related items is tracked
- Sequential Targets/Sets | One item or group of items is taught a time, with a new target/set generating once the last is mastered (like dominos).
You'll see more about how to configure your trials program further down.
Program Category is how this program will be sorted in the Company Programs Directory.
The Program Name is how this program will be identified in a client session, and will be used as the label on the program's graph.
The Teaching Procedure is a specific plan on how to teach the behavior. This can (and should) be tailored to each learner.
For Data Type, you are indicating whether you want the observer to track whether each step was either:
- +/- (correct or incorrect)
- The most obtrusive Prompt Level used for each step. (The lower an item is on the Prompt Hierarchy shown below, the more obtrusive it is.)
Prompts are types of assistance provided in order for the client to achieve a desired response.
In terms of scoring, only Independent responses are scored as correct.
Prompt Hierarchy:
- Independent (+) Client Completes step without assistance
- Gestural (-) Therapist gestures to assist client to initiate or complete the step
- Verbal (-) Therapist says something that leads to the client to initiating or completing the step
- Model (-) Therapist demonstrates (acts out) how to complete step so that the client can complete the step
- Partial Physical (-) Therapist moves client's body for part of the step, but client is able to complete the step
- Full Physical (-) Therapist moves client's body to complete the whole step
- Incorrect (-)
Minimum Trials indicates how many times you want each target or list to be tracked per session. More trials can be added in session, but the minimum amount of trials must be completed in order to submit trials program data.
Format Configurations
If you'd like to track 1 target, just write it in the target name field.
If you'd like to create a list of targets to teach together, then hit the green plus button. This will generate another target name field below. Make sure that all of your target fields are filled in prior to submitting.
If you'd like to teach 1 target or list at a time, then hit the Next List button and add your next target in the new list. Upon creating a new list, you'll find that each list will have a List Name field. This is a required field, even for single target lists.
To work on several targets at once, but track each one separately, create several single target lists and manually activate any lists you want to work on concurrently (pink activate button).
Use the red minus button to delete targets and the Delete List button to delete an entire list.
Helpful tip: As all targets must be tracked in order to be submitted in session, be mindful of this when creating trials programs. Keep the number of targets and minimum trials at a reasonable number to ensure that it is feasible to have complete data each session.
Mastery Criteria requires you to indicate how many consecutive sessions the client must get the indicated Percent Correct in order to move on to the next target, list, or phase.
If all phase settings are selected, then a program containing three lists will run in the following sequence:
Target/List 1 | Target/List 2 | Target List 3 |
Baseline (x sessions) | ||
Treatment (until mastered) | ||
Maintenance (daily/weekly/monthly for x sessions) | Baseline (x sessions) | |
Generalization (for x sessions) | Treatment (until mastered) | |
Additional data | Maintenance (daily/weekly/monthly for x sessions) | Baseline (x sessions) |
Generalization (for x sessions) | Treatment (until mastered) | |
Additional data | Maintenance (daily/weekly/monthly for x sessions) | |
Generalization (for x sessions) | ||
Generalization (for x sessions) |
In summary, a list being mastered will trigger the onset of the maintenance phase for that list as well as initiate the baseline phase for the next list. A new list will appear below the mastered list on the session "data sheet." Now, you'll be able to take data on both lists, with each one running through its phase sequence.
If no phases are selected, then the mastery of one list will trigger the introduction of the next list.
Please refer to the Phase Settings article to learn about phase options.
Advanced Options for Client Programs
Unless otherwise specified, ABAdesk will automatically add upcoming lists to your session upon the last being mastered, showing previous lists as well. You have the option to automatically hide lists upon completion (going through their respective phases). You can also manually hide/show/activate any list. You can also add more lists or delete any lists that don't have any data associated with them.
If a program was set up (prior to hitting save for the first time when it's added to client) to "Hide Completed Lists," then it will hide each list when it has gone through all of the selected phases (and skip the "additional data" phase)
If a program was modified (AFTER already having been saved to the client) to then "Hide Completed Lists," then it will NOT hide each list when it has gone through all of the selected phases (and skip additional data)
*You MUST select this options upon adding/creating the program for the client. Otherwise, you can manually hide it by going to the program form and clicking "Hide" next to the
Selecting "Archive Program When Complete" at any time PRIOR to completing all selected phases will archive it the program once all lists have been run to completion. Otherwise, you'll have to manually archive it by going to Client Programs and clicking the red Archive button where you see programs listed.