Once you've created Note Field Sets via Admin>Custom Session Notes, you're ready to add those fields to clients! 

*Only Admin level users can customize session notes. 

To do so, just go to the Client Data page.

  • Admin > Clients > Client Data > Custom Notes
  • Dashboard > Client Data > Custom Notes


At the bottom of the page, you'll see which note options are available to be added. To add a note set, just click the green "Review/Add" button. 

Then, review the fields and remove any fields that you don't want included in this client's session and click "Add."

Then, you'll find the fields listed in the Client Session Note Setup list

Once fields are added to the client's note, you are able to View/Edit their contents and customize as needed. 

You are also able to add custom fields by clicking the green "+" button and creating a field just like you did when creating the original note sets. 

Please refer to the Custom Session Notes article for instructions on how to create new fields.